Friday, December 6, 2013

Cold Weather Can't Keep Us Down

So, even though it is well into the negatives at night (meaning -11 to -15) and under 10 degrees during the warmest time of the day, we decided we would keep our disc golf hobby alive! We even dragged our co-worker friend, also named Nathan, along to trek through the snow. With a pair of gloves, a scarf, three pairs of socks, sweats under fleece lined snowboarding pants, a thermal, a sweatshirt, a snowboarding coat and snow boots I managed to actually enjoy myself and only sometimes notice how cold my toes were. This cold weather can't keep us down! The Mr. and I will definitely be out there again (probably several times) but, we'll see if we can convince Nathan or anyone else to come with us.
This dog followed us around the entire time! He even tried to play fetch with my frisbee and brought it back to me at one point! Good thing his footprints in the snow lead me to where it landed. haha


Nathan, Mrs. & Mr.

That's right, folks, a blazing 3 degrees when we left the house!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Deck the Halls

December is here and with it came snow! Before Thanksgiving we were teased with some snow but it didn't stick around for long. The other night, though, it snowed and snowed and snowed! The roads are slick and the snow plows are piling it up! I have to admit I am so excited for it because it is so pretty covering all the trees and especially with everyone's Christmas lights up! It's a winter wonderland, for sure! But I was not so happy when we woke up this morning to a toasty warm home of 43 degrees AND frozen pipes thanks to a power outage! Not a good way to start out this long Idaho winter. Thankfully, we have wonderful landlords and the pipes are being worked on as I type this. 

Our first taste of snow a few weeks ago
This week's snow: I had to ask Nathan to dig my car out so I wouldn't be late for work!

SO much snow!

Even before all this snow Nathan and I have been so excited to decorate for Christmas! His brother, Cory, was able to bring up all of our Christmas decorations from Arizona when his family came to visit. We put the Grinch on and got to work. We had the inside done by the end of the movie! A day or two later and the lights were up! We couldn't wait til after Thanksgiving. We really do love Christmas!

One of my favorite things I made for last year's craft fair!

The lights!
For Thanksgiving we were able to visit my grandparents in Logan, Utah. My dad came up to visit them so we knew we had to make it there. We tried out a disc golf course in Providence, ate some really yummy food, got some of my grandma's famous Christmas cookies to take home and, of course, did some Black Friday (or should I say Thursday?) shopping! Thanksgiving dinner was just the five of us but the next day we got to enjoy leftovers with my Uncle Chris's family. Such a fun little trip!

But that's not all that has been going on in this East household. Nathan got a piano! Thankfully Cory was here to help him move the thing. Even small pianos are HEAVY! It needs a good tuning but we couldn't be happier with the deal we got on this thing!

Moving a piano is hard work! We had to rent a Uhaul van.

And I got a Silhouette! Let the crafting begin. Of course I couldn't wait til after Christmas to use my awesome present! We started with a vinyl project for the Piano. This machine is so cool!

My Silhouette and vinyls
The Silhouette Studio
Watching it cut!
Adding the transfer paper

Ta Da!
After we finished with that I knew I wanted to make something Christmas-y. So I decided to make one of those "Jingle all the way" shadowboxes I'd seen on Pinterest. And, I love the way it turned out! So excited to make my sister's Christmas present and see what else this thing can do! Best Present Ever!

Jingle Bells and sparkly balls all over the place

I didn't get too many pics from Cory's family's visit but did get these 2 of this cute little girl!

Can't wait to see her and her brother and all our other nephews this Christmas! Only a couple more weeks til we get to see our families again! <3

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dear Nathan:

It's been 1 year since we entered God's temple and were sealed for time and eternity. One year since I have taken your last name. One year of always having a friend. One year of falling asleep next to you. One year of being pranked and pranking back. One year of cheese crisps, bean burritos, ramen and pizza orders. One year of attempts at real dinners. One year of loving you as your Mrs. One year of laughing and loving. One year of learning you really are good at EVERYTHING! One year of getting to listen to you play guitar, piano and singing. One year of access to your credit card. One year of moving. One year as an aunt to all y[our]adorable nephews and neice. One year of getting spoiled by you. One year of drums (that's all I need to say on that one). One year of giving countless back scratches and foot rubs. One year of already feeling like we've been together forever. It's been an amazing first year together, here's to many more!

Favorite memories:

Fighting for the covers- the best nights were when you stole them on purpose just to wake me up.

Temple visits- I love that we are sealed together for eternity and that we are worthy to go visit the Temple.

Snowboarding- I should thank you for being so patient with me. Too bad we didn't get to go too many times. I can't wait for more snow (ONLY for that reason).

Pranks- Oh, the pranks! I'm starting to appreciate the bond that we've created through pranking. You never let me get too serious.

Birthdays- It was fun being able to spoil each other this year. I'm thankful we were in a position to splurge a little our first year married on our birthdays.

Disc golf- Again, you are good at everything! Its been fun learning in the DEEP snow.

Fire pit/horseshoe parties- I miss our firepit and horseshoe pits. Those summer nights were always fun.

Various attempts at workout plans- Are we finally gonna stick with it this time? (;

4th of July rain/leaks- This is one of my favorite memories. Sitting on the porch swing you built for our home, watching the lightning and the heaviest rain of the summer come pouring down the night before the 4th of July. Then, watching the porch flood and having the realization that we should have been checking for leaks sometime in the last 20 minutes. Running inside searching for buckets and towels and finding the 2nd biggest leak right above our bed. The 4th of July was super fun too. Wearing our matching shirts, going to the parade with the kids and then, again, being completely POURED on! It was a really fun weekend.

Fatcats BowlingL: Yet again, Mr. East here is awesome and I am lucky if I bowl above 50. Fun times.

When you proposed, you said you hoped that was the start of all our adventures together. We've already had some great ones and I can't wait to see where the next year takes us! I love you, Nathan Scott!

Your Wife <3

Monday, February 18, 2013


You know what happens when you hang out with someone from your past & start acting the age you were when you met them? How I Met Your Mother's Marshal calls it revertigo and boy did Amber and I suffer from it this weekend!

Amber has been my best friend since our sophomore year of high school. She is hilarious and is the more carefree, spontaneous side to our friendship which is why I love her. I am so happy for her to go on a mission for the LDS church. The people of the Belgium/Netherlands mission won't know what hit 'em! She was able to come up to good 'ol Rexburg for this 3-day weekend and it was so much fun! We had a couple photoshoots and made an incredibly embarrassing music video to T-Swizzy's We Are Never Getting Back Together, which I am still deciding whether or not to post on here because I know there will be endless mocking from my inlaws if they ever catch even a glimpse of it! (;

I used a little Pin-spiration to make some BFFN mugs for us and she brought Nathan and I a little Valentine's surprise!

Covered in inside jokes & I got Amber to write a little note on mine!

Not sure who Mitch is lol

It was sooo nice to have girl talk! And not just get-to-know-you small talk & first impressions (which seems to be how most of my interactions go these days). Nathan and I took Amber to the park to play disc golf in the (somewhat deep) snow & fed the ducks!

While she was here she made her famous chocolate chip cookies, we danced around to Taylor Swift, watched Pitch Perfect and talked and talked and talked. Unfortunately, though, she had to go back to Provo this morning. But before she did we took her up to campus and took more pictures in the Ricks Gardens.

It was a pretty awesome weekend! I'm glad you came Amber and don't be shy...if you ever just feel like taking a 5 hour drive you know where to find us (; I love you best friend!